311 research outputs found

    Sicherheit von Cloud-basierten Plattformen zur Anwendungsintegration : eine Bewertung aktueller Angebote

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    Cloud-basierte Plattformen zur Anwendungsintegration versprechen die einfache und kostengĂŒnstige Integration zwischen Anwendungen in der Cloud und bestehenden „On-Premise“-Anwendungen. Sie bieten zahlreiche Anwendungsadapter und erlauben den grafischen Entwurf, die AusfĂŒhrung und die Verwaltung von komplexen Integrationsprozessen in der Cloud. Allerdings sind sie sicherheitskritische Elemente innerhalb der IT-Architektur, da sie Zugriff auf unterschiedliche Anwendungen und Daten des Unternehmens haben können. Daher stellt sich die Frage, inwiefern notwendige Sicherheitsanforderungen durch die Anbieter Cloud-basierter Plattformen erfĂŒllt werden. In diesem Artikel werden sieben ausgewĂ€hlte Integrationsplattformen detaillierter betrachtet und anhand der Sicherheitsanforderungen des Bundesamtes fĂŒr Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) bewertet

    Integration Platform as a Service

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    Erworben im Rahmen der Schweizer Nationallizenzen (http://www.nationallizenzen.ch)Around 2000, the term “enterprise application integration” (EAI) became popular with IT departments. Until then, silo applications – custom-developed or packaged, host- or client-server-based – had been connected with numerous point-to-point interfaces. The resulting complexity of the application landscape affected the implementation of additional business requirements such as electronic marketplaces, e-commerce, and supply chain management. Commonly used middleware techniques such as message queues, object request brokers, or remote procedure calls required significant and costly alterations of source and target systems

    Fully discrete approximation of rate-independent damage models with gradient regularization

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    This work provides a convergence analysis of a time-discrete scheme coupled with a finite-element approximation in space for a model for partial, rate-independent damage featuring a gradient regularization as well as a non-smooth constraint to account for the unidirectionality of the damage evolution. The numerical algorithm to solve the coupled problem of quasistatic small strain linear elasticity with rate-independent gradient damage is based on a Variable ADMM-method to approximate the nonsmooth contribution. Space-discretization is based on P1 finite elements and the algorithm directly couples the time-step size with the spatial grid size h. For a wide class of gradient regularizations, which allows both for Sobolev functions of integrability exponent r ∈ (1, ∞) and for BV-functions, it is shown that solutions obtained with the algorithm approximate as h → 0 a semistable energetic solution of the original problem. The latter is characterized by a minimality property for the displacements, a semistability inequality for the damage variable and an energy dissipation estimate. Numerical benchmark experiments confirm the stability of the method

    Fully discrete approximation of rate-independent damage models with gradient regularization

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    This work provides a convergence analysis of a time-discrete scheme coupled with a finite-element approximation in space for a model for partial, rate-independent damage featuring a gradient regularization as well as a non-smooth constraint to account for the unidirectionality of the damage evolution. The numerical algorithm to solve the coupled problem of quasistatic small strain linear elasticity with rate-independent gradient damage is based on a Variable ADMM-method to approximate the nonsmooth contribution. Space-discretization is based on P1 finite elements and the algorithm directly couples the time-step size with the spatial grid size h. For a wide class of gradient regularizations, which allows both for Sobolev functions of integrability exponent r ∈ (1, ∞) and for BV-functions, it is shown that solutions obtained with the algorithm approximate as h → 0 a semistable energetic solution of the original problem. The latter is characterized by a minimality property for the displacements, a semistability inequality for the damage variable and an energy dissipation estimate. Numerical benchmark experiments confirm the stability of the method

    International order and the pain of negativity : Hegel’s political theology

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    Defence date: 03 November 2023Examining board: Prof. Nehal Bhuta, (University of Edinburgh; European University Institute, external supervisor); Prof. Nicolas Guilhot, (European University Institute); Prof. Frank Ruda, (University of Dundee); Prof. Samuel Moyn, (Yale University)This thesis argues that an immanent critique of Hegel can offer a utopian alternative to contemporary theories of international law. Preoccupied with either solving seemingly ahistorical problems by copy-pasting concepts from the domestic liberal toolset or deconstructing the false universalisms underpinning this liberal order, lawyers struggle to grasp international law in the framework of a transformative project. I show how Hegel, in a paradoxically sceptical fashion, recovers absolute knowledge, the necessary corollary of universal emancipation, against the foil of his liberal and conservative opponents who abandoned both quests. The central argument of my thesis is that Hegel finds the experience content and actualisation of the absolute in the philosophical ‘sublation’ of Christian revelation. In the pain of negativity, the finite human spirit realises that its self-righteousness othered and killed God. Following an immanent critique of Hegel’s theory of grace, we can conceptualise the result of human spirit’s transformation into absolute spirit as vulnerable and ephemeral: whenever spirit cannot account for otherness, absolute spirit falls from grace and reverts into objective spirit’s selfabsorbedness. Hegel, however, neglected a great deal of otherness, that of women, the poor, and (colonised) slaves, without letting the modern Protestant Germanic spirit lose its world-historical primacy. I propose that we can go with Hegel beyond Hegel by searching for liberating agency in those whose ‘pain of negativity’ Hegel partially recognised. This turn to agents of liberation allows a critical reappraisal of a Hegelian voluntarist reading of international legal positivism. The state becomes the epistemologically necessary and normatively hopeful focal point only to the extent that it crystalises the identified agents’ historical struggles for self-determination. The role of positivism is to protect the spaces of the actuality of reason that are the historical results of these struggles and from which new, more transformative projects can arise

    Approximation schemes for materials with discontinuities

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    Damage and fracture phenomena are related to the evolution of discontinuities both in space and in time. This contribution deals with methods from mathematical and numerical analysis to handle these: Suitable mathematical formulations and time-discrete schemes for problems with discontinuities in time are presented. For the treatment of problems with discontinuities in space, the focus lies on FE-methods for minimization problems in the space of functions of bounded variation. The developed methods are used to introduce fully discrete schemes for a rate-independent damage model and for the viscous approximation of a model for dynamic phase-field fracture. Convergence of the schemes is discussed

    Cloud-basierte Plattformen zur Anwendungsintegration : Angebote und Praxisbeispiel

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    Erworben im Rahmen der Schweizer Nationallizenzen (http://www.nationallizenzen.ch)Der Einsatz von Software-as-a-Service in Unternehmen beschrĂ€nkt sich nicht mehr nur auf einzelne Pilotprojekte, sondern betrifft zunehmend auch geschĂ€ftskritische Anwendungen. Damit entsteht gleichzeitig der Wunsch nach Integration von Software-as-a-Service, etwa der CRM-Lösung Salesforce.com, und traditionellen On-Premise-Anwendungen wie SAP ERP. Diesen Bedarf versprechen „Cloud-basierte Integrationsplattformen“ flexibel und kostengĂŒnstig zu adressieren - als Alternative zur direkten Anbindung der Anwendungen oder zu klassischen Enterprise Application Integration-Plattformen. Sie bieten zahlreiche Anwendungsadapter und erlauben den grafischen Entwurf, die AusfĂŒhrung und die Verwaltung von komplexen Integrationsprozessen in der Cloud. Einige Hersteller liefern Software-Agenten fĂŒr die sichere Kommunikation zwischen Software-as-a-Service, On-Premise-Anwendungen und Integrationsplattform. Bei manchen Herstellern sind diese Agenten auch die lokale Laufzeitumgebung fĂŒr Integrationsprozesse, weswegen dann keine kritischen Daten an die Integrationsplattform ĂŒbertragen werden mĂŒssen

    Approximation schemes for materials with discontinuities

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    Damage and fracture phenomena are related to the evolution of discontinuities both in space and in time. This contribution deals with methods from mathematical and numerical analysis to handle these: Suitable mathematical formulations and time-discrete schemes for problems with discontinuities in time are presented. For the treatment of problems with discontinuities in space, the focus lies on FE-methods for minimization problems in the space of functions of bounded variation. The developed methods are used to introduce fully discrete schemes for a rate-independent damage model and for the viscous approximation of a model for dynamic phase-field fracture. Convergence of the schemes is discussed
